The Watchers maintain order between the realms of the living and the dead by traveling between the planes and battling souls that have gone astray. In Oninaki, the dead are restored to life through reincarnation, but a soul that is mourned for may feel regret. Those that regret go astray and become monsters.

When a player defeats these monsters, and rescues the souls within them, they can then take on the powers of those souls and “manifest” them during battle — the game’s version of a class system. Players may switch between these souls and will need to figure out which soul is best to use during any given situation.

Oninaki is the third game to come out of Square’s Tokyo RPG Factory since  it launched the subsidiary. The other two titles are I Am Setsuna, which released in 2016, and Lost Sphear, which came out in 2018.

Oninaki is set to release on the Nintendo Switch this summer.