Spotify is a platform designed to secure user’s information and protects them from hackers. Since it is required for a subscription to Spotify to enter your credit card information, accounts might be easy targets for credit cards to get stolen by hackers. 

How Do You Find Out If Your Spotify Account is Hacked? 

There are a few things to look out for when you suspect your account on Spotify is being targeted by hackers. If anything of the things below applies to you or you have experienced them through your Spotify account, then you might have a hacker using your account and accessing your personal information. These are a few of the things you might notice if your Spotify account is getting hacked: 

Password: If you notice that your Spotify password is not working, or that it is changed all of a sudden, then that might suggest that your account is hacked, and the hacker changed the password so you will no longer be able to access it.  Email address: If your email address changes without you changing it, that means that there is someone else who has gained control of your account. In case your account on Spotify is getting hacked, you may receive emails on your email address about unauthorized logins from foreign regions and anonymous devices. Playlists: You might log in to your Spotify account and find changes in your Library, where your Playlists, Likes, and Downloads are changed. If you find new playlists or old playlists changed, added, or deleted, then you might have a hacker in your Spotify account.  Music: In Spotify, your recently played music will appear in the home screen section of the Spotify app. Sometimes, an indicator of your Spotify account getting hacked is new changes in the recently played music list, where you find strange music that you didn’t listen to yourself. In addition, you might find music playing without you controlling it if your Spotify account is hacked.   Subscription: When you create an account on Spotify, you get to choose the subscription plan that suits you best. If you notice changes to the subscription plan you signed up for, that means someone else is accessing your account.  Linked Apps: Spotify allows users to link their Spotify account to their other accounts on other apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you notice new accounts linked to your Spotify account, that means some other users have hacked your account.  

What To Do If Your Spotify Account is Hacked? 

 If any of the changes or signs of hackers that we listed above were noticed by you, that pretty much confirms that hackers have gained access and control of your Spotify account. The steps of recovering your account on Spotify are simple. There are a few methods too on how to regain control of your account. 

Change your Password: One way to take your Spotify account back is to simply reset your password. The most secure way to do this step is by opening the Spotify website in incognito mode. For additional protection, it is advised that you reset all the passwords for your other accounts linked to Spotify.  Sign out: Spotify has the option for you to sign out from any device your account is signed in from. By signing out from everywhere, you are cutting the hacker’s access to your account, and it will allow you to reset your password in a safe way that prevents future hackers.  Connected Apps: To prevent the hacker from accessing your Spotify account any further, you need to disconnect any linked social accounts. The way to do this is to go to your Spotify account page on the app or the website, click on Apps, review all that is linked, and then select Disconnect or Remove Access for all social accounts linked.  After you changed your Spotify account password, signed out from all devices, and then disconnected linked social media accounts, you can log back in and use your successfully secured Spotify account.  


If these steps do not help you get your Spotify account back, then all you have to do is contact Spotify Support and they will help you with the rest. 

Anything can get hacked these days, the best you can do is learn how to protect your accounts and information from hackers. The steps to prevent or disconnect hackers are very easy to follow and will allow you to enjoy your Spotify experience with music you love more securely. 

Can a Spotify account get hacked? 

Spotify accounts can indeed get hacked.  

Why do Spotify accounts are a target for hackers? 

Some users have weak passwords or share their information publicly, which can attract hackers.