SpeedRunners is a fast-paced, multiplayer, platforming racing game. Players must keep up or risk being eliminated – think Super Meat Boy meets Mario Kart. In early access, players enjoyed racing against one another in a fixed set of stages. Now, tinyBuild has announced that when the full release of the game drops, these new features will become available :

Custom Trails: This feature will allow players to create, upload and share custom trails for other players to enjoy. Single player Campaign Mode: Players can dive deep into the background of their favorite speed runner character. In this Mario Kart-esque mode, players will race against bots of varying difficulties in a tournament type setting. Twitch betting system: Much like Salty bet, viewers can bet on the outcome of the game whenever a streamer is streaming SpeedRunners. Viewers will be able to use “tinyBuild Points” for betting. tinyBuild points will also be used for crafting discount coupons for other great tinyBuild games.

If SpeedRunners sounds like the game for you, you can still hop on the early access band wagon. If you do sign up for early access, a special stage will be available to you as a thank you from tinyBuild. Or if you would like to wait until the game is complete, it will be available though Steam on all PC platforms.