If you are trying to get yourself a one-of-a-kind spectrum product, you are in luck. Usually, trying to find the best routers compatible with spectrum does not have to be complicated. Of course, there is no perfect router, but good ones can serve your needs.

You have a job to do, so you decide to get a spectrum-compatible router, but you don’t know which one to go for. We can give a few recommendations: The Netgear Nighthawk R7000, Motorola MG7550, Netgear Rax 120, amongst others, are some nice routers compatible with spectrum.

Before you go ahead to buy that router, you need to know about it, even if it’s a little bit. It will help if you read on to satisfy your curiosity.

Why should I have my own Spectrum Compatible Router?

Fun fact, spectrum encourages their customers to rent a spectrum router. Of course, they would; it’s more money for them. The truth is that it’s best if you buy your spectrum-compatible router. 

You have complete control; you get to save the money you use to rent it and independence. You get to own a router that best suits your work. We don’t want to be the ones with bad news, but you will lose more if you rent a router. The money you will spend renting a router would be higher than the money spent buying one.

Buying your spectrum compatible router gives you many advantages. You get to look for a router with high speed because why not? You could be a gamer, a YouTuber, or a game designer. 

Below are some of the pros that come with owning a spectrum-compatible router.

Save Rental Fees

Using house rent as an example, it’s much better to own your house than having to pay rent every year. Spectrum charges from $5 – $10 for renting out a router.

To some, it’s not much. Adding that $5-10 over 12 months would turn to $60 or $120. Rented routers always have minor features, and they’re not worth it. You are restricted, and you certainly do not have control. 

Large Wireless Coverage

Try imagining your network size more physically. You live in a three-bedroom apartment, and the router you can buy from the spectrum is okay to serve you.

For most people, rental routers cannot provide the wireless coverage they need. It’s frustrating, you’re in your room, but there’s no service. You have to be in a particular location to get strong service.

Going through such an experience is pretty much annoying. When you buy a router, you already have an idea of its wireless coverage and its strength. Now, you can buy a router that can cover your house span and still have a strong network.

Better Features

They say that you should pay for something of value. In this case, a rented router could have some features; however, the chances are that they are not needed.

You might be looking for a more secured router with a firewall or perhaps a VPN; you can buy anyone that suits your wireless needs.

List of Spectrum Compatible Routers

Below are some nice routers that support spectrum. You are sure to meet your ideal router here.

Netgear Nighthawk R7000

We start with the Netgear Nighthawk R7000. The Nighthawk R7000 is a top-performing router that can cover the entire sides of your average home and still give you the speed that you know is worth the money.


The Netgear Nighthawk R7000 has a horizontal position. It also comes with three antennas that you can position in any direction you want. The Nighthawk can accept 30 devices at a time, except if you have 30 kids in the house, this is awesome. The Nighthawk R7000 has excellent security features

The router is a bit heavy on the side; however, it has some vents that cool it. Such a feature is rare in the market. The router has a 1GHz dual-core processor – what does that mean? More power and speed, talk about your money’s worth.

Are there any cons? Honestly, I couldn’t find any; it seems almost too perfect, like true love.

Motorola MG7550 Router

The Motorola MG7550 router is an excellent idea to save money. The MG7550 is a two-in-one router, and it is also called a modem router combo. It has 16×4 channels that help increase your internet speed. You can now stream high-definition videos and also transfer huge data files.

This router comes with the features you want in a router. It could be playing online games, streaming HD videos on YouTube, building software.

Netgear Nighthawk RAX120 

If you want another option for the R7000, this is a great option.


Up to 6 Gbps SpeedIt covers 3500 square feetTwo USB 3. 0 ports


The Netgear Nighthawk R7000 stands atop the routers that support the spectrum. The pros are just so much, but perhaps you’re trying to save money; the Motorola MG7550 Router would be a great choice.